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28 November 2021, 22:44 and d2w

song in head = "put out the sails of my heart ohhhhh ohhhh, here i am, here you are...."

delivering the eulogy of a living old Jewish man (source:Legacies series s2ep16) and my mother doing part of it (parallel Speaker for the Dead but Alive) and hitting highlighted points as young Speaker v older Speaker) and boiling down narrative to the essentials that matter to living beings' important present AUDIENCE. what people present objected to: tall shifting color Man who went limp as vyou assaulted him in front of his family while attempting to ASK for a ride home to where you were expected to be at a certain time after delivering eulogy, which was unexpectedly held due to you winning the lottery. your black son with this man's family, and he was drunk. so you interrupted his attitude, observed color-shifting drink including yellow object superimposed on drinking vessel filled with -OH2 drinkable alcohol. seizing the moment of intoxication to make the physical move, dangle him upside down the way you did with your rl son over crib. (Only as sick as your secrets...?)

he the drunk father stretched when help upside down at which point he was tall and elastic but white with blonde hair (like rl son) and arms and leg extended (like growth spurt of rl son) down a rectangular straight line spiraling three times tiers of the flight of stairs, down thru the hole off the second tier. people observed and commented but quick to get back to your needs, another individual standing near whomever with step-parenthood involved.

back before eulogy, there was a moment upon winning a gambling event whereby you were unsure you won but allowed people to assume it was certainty (lie of omission?) structures involved many locations around map including Mars (whereupon Mars had been colonized and father was asking about urban development of Mars and his children replied with that Mars had everything,) (related rl to Amazon Prime sci-fi "Expanse") (launching satellites from Earth and skylink capabilities with LASERS (memory of earlier day thought undeveloped) standing up for step-parents who needed help asserting self maybe, rl earlier discussion with Cyn discussing previous friends, and whether i liked them or not).

General observation NOW whether unfinished trains of thought continue subconsciously during sleep. relevant to SOAP - SOAR (reflection occurs subconsciously in other plane [astral projection wondering from Legacies]).

homeless period of dream whereby personal means were masked with appearance and location. a car not driven by you passing down road and directing driver to do u-turn to pass back by Mexican restaurants to get food to eat and employment both (rl simultaneous study of theology and work earning money to pay tuition, St. Paul's tent-making) settling upon Taco Bell over other non-chain options).

(Observation that this recollection occurred reverse-chronolgically)

(Obs that sails of heart "SOARed" today on talking to people about feelings re: Jesus hope laying on of hands healing)

Focus note (Scotty tool Prodigal hand finger puppet bare hand) focus stop point.
= books from which Speakers read having been chosen. ->Drecall "dr" read verbatim v summarized on the spot reading audience reaction. got bored with verbatim. dr everyone, at end of eulogy completion going to play in rec facility or amusement water park bc hour was like 4pm getting late and ppl wanted as eulogy guests in park to go out and have fun after event finished.

dr environment structure, old Jew man was sitting in semicircular VIP booth around white tablecloth. he was happy with eulogy. old Jew was wearing hat, was possibly remarried to family elder as stepfather in old age. (thought -> GrandMary).

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